Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Our Niece Charli won a bronze medal at a figure skating competition on the weekend. It was great to finally have a chance to see her skate again.

Uncle Ryan, Aunt Katie and Cousin Mary are very proud that we have such a great skater in the family.


Monday, February 26, 2007

A Fantastic 4 Day Road Trip


Wow what a weekend. 4 days of great times. On Thursday Kate, Mary and I went on the road. Destination: London, Ontario. Great-Grandparents, Grandparents, Cousins and Auntie all in one weekend.

Day 1 (Thursday):

I got off work a little early and Kate Mary and I drove to Toronto to stay at Sean and Andrea's house. We didn't take one photo at their house so I don't have any to show you. We had a great dinner and Sean and I stayed up until 3 in the morning playing Xbox nhl 2007. Fun!!!

Day 2 (Friday):
In the car at about 8:30am and off to see Mary's Great Grandparents. It was great to see them and even better to see Mary with them. We stayed and visited for a while and then it was off to Stratford for Charli's (Mary's cousin) figure skating competition. We were very proud to watch Charli skate to a bronze medal!!! Way to go Chuck!!! Once the figure skating was over it was off to London to spend the rest of the weekend at Granny and Pappa's house. At night we spent time around Dad's fantastic bar where we toasted Mary with some fine Irish Whiskey that my dad bought special for the occasion.

Day 3 (Saturday):
Some people get up early and some don't. We won't dwell. We went for a walk in a beautiful park and then spent the day relaxing in Granny and Pappa's very comfortable home. Great couches and even greater flat panel tv's. Later in the day my sister Erin and her 2 kids Charli and Autum came by to stay over. We had a great (Very Formal- thus the ties) dinner and after, I was very surprised when everyone broke into "happy birthday" a large chocolate cake was placed in front of me. I blew out the candles and then to top it off there was a NY Giants jersey and hat there for me from my parents. How great is that! A number 10 Eli Manning jersey too. After dinner we spent the night playing pool and watching the fire.

Day 4 (Sunday):
FRY! FRY! FRY! That's right FRY!!! We had a fantastic Irish fry Sunday morning. Sausage, Veggie roll, Tatie bread, bacon, potatoes, eggs and Pancakes! A gastronomical delight!!! The rest of Sunday was a day of relaxing, playing more pool and watching tv. We went ofr dinner at a fish and chips restaurant where Katie had her first try of mushy peas. After dinner Mary's Aunt Erin and her Cousins Charli and Autum left for home and we went back to Mary's grandparents house for one more night. Too much scotch! Enough Said! Bed!

Monday morning Kate, Mary and I began the long 9 hour drive back to Ottawa. Ouch! I didn't know that the great province of Ontario had so many darn roadside restaurants. Not that I haven't done the drive before, I've just not done it with a 5 month old. Wow.

All in all (too much scotch) it was a fantastic weekend. Great conversations and great family time. What more can I ask for. I love my family. I don't think I've published that before. Just so you know.

Thank you to May and Dad for loving us. Mary keeps looking around and I have to wonder if she's not searching for her Granny's voice.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mary, Mary why ya buggin?

Wow. Teething is no fun at all! Mary is not the happiest kid around these last couple of days. we think her top two teeth are on their way in and it must hurt like heck. Tylenol Tylenol take me away! Right now she is asleep on her Mommy. Mary and Mom look fantastic and calm.

It is my birthday and last night we celebrated with friends and family at Pablo and Marcela's house. It was great. I got spoiled by everyone and loved every minute of it. I got shoes and an ipod and pictures and wine and Amarula and Scotch and a fantastic book "The Compleat Angler" (autographed by Andrew Macpherson and Pablo- I'll tell you about them if you ask) and some spa treatments and and and... thank you very much everyone.

Mary is learning new noises every day and is now gooing and gaaing like crazy. She is moments from her first word. She solved a rubik's cube last night and she is already started on the basics of chess. What a kid.

Lot's of love,


Thursday, February 15, 2007


Here is a picture of us at Winterlude... More on this at the end!
Hi All.

So I am adding links to the pictures from Valentines Day and from the last few days... now that I know how to do this!!!! The picture above is Mary with the Barbershop Quartet, that Ryan sent to serenade us! They are the same group that same last year and they are great!
Mary loved the hockey game! We had great seats! This is her with her Sens hat on in front of the Florida Panthers!
Mary was zonked by about 10 minutes into the game and stayed asleep through the rest of it and all the way home... as you can see above....

Here are the links to the photo albums!

Click here for the Valentines Photos


We forgot to mention that Ryan competed in a Media challenge Bed Race on the weekend and they won! They beat Hot 89.9 and CTV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We also took Mary skating with Allie and Phil! We unfortunately do not have any photos of them skating or with Mary! Next time though! They are coming for dinner on Sat for Ryan's bday so we will be sure to get some photos!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!

Wow and what a day it was!
Mary and I were serenaded by a quartet! This is my annual gift from Ryan and it was the same ensemble as last year and yet again, They were amazing! Mary watched them through the whole three songs!
This evening Mary, Ryan and I went to watch Mary's favourite team, Ottawa Senators, take on the Florida Panthers! We had amazing seats, once we finally sat in them (we originally sat in the wrong section)! Third row behind the Panthers bench at the blue line! Ottawa 4 - Panthers 0! And Mary slept through most of the game... Everyone around us kept commenting on how amazed they were at her being so good at the game and also on her sleeping!
All in all it was a great Valentines Day with Mary and Ryan!

We wish you all a Happy Valentines Day!
Lots of love,
P.S. I have to find the right cord for the computer so I can add the photos for today! I will do that tomorrow... as it is now time for bed!

Monday, February 12, 2007

12 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORRY!

Hi Everyone,
As you can see from the photo above, we have been very busy playing! Mary has been one poopered Baby!

So it has been 12 long days since we have last posted... and we have no excuse except that we were having fun!!!!! We have been out skating on the canal, having friends over for dinner, going to girls night, going to the movies, going to Los Abuelos, sledding, swimming, watching the Superbowl, going to the exercise classes and all of that... We have been having so much fun but have neglected the fans. So here I (the Mom) am going to take my first leap at trying to post pictures....

In the last 12 days, Mary has also learned to sit on her own... for short amounts of time but she can do it. She no longer falls to her feet and then on her face. She can also hold herself up on her feet! This is for a VERY short time but she can do it!

Although she still has yet to let us take a picture of her bottom teeth, she seems to be starting to teeth again. We think that her top teeth are now starting to come in. She has been chewing again, on anything she can put in her mouth and is on and off again sore. We are hoping that they come in quickly and as pain free as possible.

Ryan was sick today so we have spent a wonderful day at home the three of us just hanging out, napping and reading. Mary has just woken up (probably not for long) and is now sitting on her Daddy's lap.
I am very proud of myself! I have just done the blog, added a photo and uploaded all the photos and put a link at the bottom for you to see all the photos!
I promise that we will be better at posting!
We hope you are all well! Lots of Love,
Katie, Ryan and Mary


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Pretty Mary

Our little Mary is so great!


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