Tuesday, January 06, 2009

It's that time!

Well it has been awhile since we last posted anything and there is once again lots to post about... I am tired tonight so this one will be quick but I wanted to do a quick post before I went to bed...

A while ago we had mentioned that Mary had used the potty... well, she did... once maybe twice but that was it. She was more interested in using the potty to put her toys, and her change but not to pee in... We have been talking about it alot lately and we had all decided that Santa (which is another LONG story) would bring big girl underwear and that we would work on the potty training over the holidays... Well Mary did not seem that interested in it so I kind of left it alone and offered to put her in her big girl undies every morning and most mornings she said no... like on Friday morning!

So Friday morning, Mary and I decide that we are going to go to the Museum of Science and Technology with Tio Will and TT.... I give Mary a bath, get her dressed and then I jump in the shower and we run out the door. I threw a diaper and some wipes in my purse wanting to keep the baggage light as we were rushing and we would only be about 2 hours.

So we get to the Museum, climb on the trains, play on the bikes and we are just about at the Krazy Kitchen when Mary says "Uh-Oh... mumble, mumble" and before I know it the woman beside us says 'Uh... She's peeing....." I look around to see who she is talking about and realise that Mary is peeing through her pants, into her boots and on the floor..... Hmmm.... How is that happening?????

Will asks me if Mary loosened her diaper or something as we were walking to the opposite side of the Museum to find a washroom.... remember I only have diapers and wipes.... NO extra clothing... thankfully TT has some extra clothes.... When I get Mary into the washroom to get changed and cleaned up, I pull down her pants and see the tag of her UNDERWEAR, sideways and facing me.... "ummm... Mary how did you get undies on, you little Monkey" Well this elicited a giggle from one the stalls.... (there was a Mom hiding in there I think!) The diaper that I HAD placed on Mary before my shower was found on her bedroom floor when we got home... Our Boo had taken her pants AND diaper, then placed her big girl undies on inside out, backwards AND sideways and then put her pants back on while I was in the shower and said NOT a word, until she had to go pee! WOW...

So needless to say... Mary is now in pull ups AND is using the potty and loving it all.... Slowly, one day at a time we will get closer to being toilet trained and mary will officially be a BIG GIRL..... And I have learned that I need to start carrying an extra outfit for Mary again!
These pictures have nothing to do with the above other than they are of Mary!
This is Mary and her Daddy... his favourite time... when Mary cuddles up to him and just wants to sleep... She does not like to wake up from her naps!

This is Ryan still trying to wake up Mary from her nap... on the weekends it can take us up to an hour to wake her sometimes.....

This is Mary and Josh on New Years Eve. Josh is Mary's god brother.... Mary and Josh were sharing a mini couch... we were hoping that they would go to sleep as it was 1100 but that didn't happen... well at least until 1115 for Mary....

OKay so now I AM tired and am off to bed..... All our love!

K, R, and M

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