Thursday, May 31, 2007

I was ohh so tired!

I can not believe how tired I was when I was finishing the last blog that not only did I forget to mention a few things, I also forgot to post a few pictures!

A few weeks ago when Mary's Abuelo was watching her, he tried to feed her bananas. And well, Mary did NOT like them at all. I tried again the next day with the same result. While we were in Barrie, Her Grandma tried to feed her watermelon and again, Mary did not like it at all..... Well I guess things have changed as you can see from the picture below.....

Mary ate a huge amount of that Banana and she loved it?????? Maybe I can try the avocado again???

Mary and Nance had a great time playing together. As she did with John Dad too. I did not think this picture worked out but I quite like it! this was taken at a luncheon for a couple that Nance had married the night before. She had taught the class that they met in 10 years ago and have asked that Nance officiate the wedding!

Well Mary is craling around wanting to go for a walk so I should run!

Ryan will be home in just over 12 hours! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All our love!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Long Awaited Update!

Wow... So I just realised that the last update we made was on Mothers Day so it really has been a while! YIKES.....

Below is a picture of Marcy and I, on our first official Mothers Day! After a wonderful surprise arrival of Ryan, and breakfast with the parents, Ryan, Mary and I had a great LONG nap before heading to my parents for dinner!

Here is a picture of my Beautiful Daughter (with her eyes closed! Again)


On the Monday, we picked up our new Car. Trinity (we name our cars in this family) is great! She is a Toyota Matrix, and is great, other than a few quirks that are really great failsafes. You have to perform a circus before you can use the automatic starter but we love her anyways. We named her Trinity partially for the character in the Matrix Movies but also because there are three of us and we thought it fits us. Foxy, our Corolla was a great car but we had out grown her!


Tuesday and Wednesday was spent with Ryan working and the two of us trying to tidy up the apartment and also get packed and ready to go to Barrie. Mary had to dress up in her Sens Gear too!

Thursday morning, we woke up and after a great Diner breakfast it was off to my pampering morning! It was wonderful and sooo relaxing! I had a deep tissue massage, a french pedicure, a manicure AND my hair cut and styled. It was a great way to start off the day! After a great morning of pampering we loaded up Ryan's work truck and Trinity and drove to Barrie to see my Mom and Harry. When we finally arrived at the time share, the 5 of us went for dinner at The Keg and did a quick grocery shop!

Friday morning, Ryan took off to Buffalo, bright and early. The rest of us woke up, went for breakfast and then spent the rest of the day shopping and checking out Barrie. We found a great restaurant on the water, that served excellent crab cakes and calamari! We learned that the Matrix can be filled to the max with TONNES of stuff.

Saturday, some friends of our BC friends that have moved to the Toronto/Hamilton area came to spend the afternoon with us. As per usual, Mom put together an excellent spread of food. We ate Chicken Mango Salad, Purple and White Potato Salad, Ham, Salad, Buns, etc. It was delicious and great being able to introduce Mary to The Maybes and the Burtons. They brought Mary a wonderful Pink Flamingo and a great musical Lamb. After our guests left, we tidied up and spent the rest of the day lounging around! Oh Yeah, we also watched the Sens kick some butt!!!!!!!!!! Saturday night we had an interesting run in with a leaking roof and a non existent maintenance staff, but it was all sorted out in the end. Below is Mom, getting the Lunch ready in the awesome resort kitchen!

On Sunday we waited for Ryan to return from Buffalo and then went for breakfast. We took it fairly easy with some naps and play time as well, while Mom and Hen went to Barrie. We met up with them for drinks and then we went for a great dinner in Craighurst (which was where we were actually staying) in a little restaurant called Abbotts. Our waiter ran his butt off but served great food and yummy Creme Brulee! I also got a long awaited phone call from Shannon saying that Austin FINALLY arrived on Friday! He was born at a healthy 8 lbs 5 Oz. Congrats to the Dore family! The picture below is Mary climbing up on yet another table!

Monday we drove to Owen Sound to see a University friend of my Moms. They had this great property with caves and trails and a pond with fish, frogs and toads! We had a really good time with a great hike, great dinner and dessert and company! It was a long drive back but it was worth it. Ryan also finally got to go for a run with our new stroller! Below are Ryan and Mary and their inaugaural stroller run, and Mom with Hen at their friends place! Oh yeah and Ryan with Mary in a cave!

Tuesday, we all packed into the car again and drove to Vaughn so that Ryan and Hen (ok,ok, and me too) could check out Bass Pro Shop. Mom, Mary and I went in to a whole bunch of shops before the boys met up with us again and then a whole lot more after that! I saw the most expensive pair of Baby shoes I have ever seen at $120.00! I just about collapsed. This was at the Last Chance Holt Renfrew, where they also had a head band for $60.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We bought Mary a tonne of clothes at "The Children's Place Outlet" and Ryan and I even bought her Halloween costume at another store! You will just have to wait until October to see it though!

Mary is an incredible child but by the end of Tuesday she was done with being in her car seat, so I decided that Mary would not be in a car any longer than absolute need be on Wednesday. I think she was in the car for about 5 minutes as I had to go to the store. Wednesday morning, Ryan and Hen woke up early to go fishing! The girls hung out at the resort and slept in then had a yummy breakfast. When the boys returned, Mary and her Daddy went for a nap and then we all went swimming, where Mary got to try out her new toy that her Grandma bought for her. It is an inflatable car with a sun shade roof that she can sit in while hanging out in the water. She LOVED it! It was such a blast watching her in it! Mom had also bought Mary this adorable bathing suit that she had to wear swimming! After we swam, we all went back for another great meal that Mom through together, before Mom and Hen went to meet some of Hen's Football buddies. Ryan, Mary and I rented "Happy Feet" and ate pizza.

Thursday we packed up all the food and our bags and clothes and toys and went for lunch in Barrie before Mom and Hen left for Toronto for Hen's reunion and the three of us to return to Ottawa! We took our time returning and Mary was once again a real Trooper! Thursday night was soo hot and humid in Ottawa, that Ryan ran out to buy some fans for our apartment. While he was out, he witnessed a motorcycle/van accident. Luckily he was not involved but had to write a statement as he saw it happen.


Friday, Ryan had to go to his work to get everything together for his trip to California. Mary and I made our way to the train station as my John Dad and Nance were arriving. This was the first time that Mary got to meet this set of Grandparents, so it was very exciting! The 5 of us went for a yummy lunch, and dessert as we got stuck in the rain! When we dropped them off at their hotel, we made our way to meet the newest addition to the Dore family! He is absolutely adorable (pictures to come from the next time we see them!) After that visit, we went to dinner with the family for my Aunt's birthday!

Saturday, Ryan left for Anaheim and Mary and I went and hung out at my Dad's for abit before going for lunch with him, my brother in law, my cousin, Marcela and my aunt! That night I rented a movie and ordered in Thai! At last a night to just relax and not do anything.

Sunday and Monday, Mary and got to spend a whack of time with John Dad and Nance which was great. We went for a walk, ate tonnes and had some great talks. It was so nice being able to spend some time with them and to watch them with Mary. Mary loved meeting her last set of Grandparents and had a lot of fun with them.


Mary was sad to say good bye to both set of Grandparents this weekend BUT will be seeing them both again in just a few months. She is happy to be back close to her Abuelitos and needs to set some plans up soon to see her Poppa and Granny.

Tuesday, Mary and I had some errands to run. We finally have her birth certificates! Now if we want to cross the border we can.

Today we went for a walk. It was humid out but a lot of fun. We went to see some old coworkers of mine and then to the Well Baby clinic. We weighed Mary and on their scale she was 17 Lbs. 12 Oz. She is doing well, but the nurse seemed concerned that she has only gained a few oz over the last few weeks. I really do not think that their scale in completely accurate and she has never seen Mary before so I am not concerned. Mary has actually grown in length and weight since tha last time I was there....

Tonight Mary was a little fussy as I was feeding her... I could not figure out what it was. I think this picture explains it all!!!!

We are both missing Ryan tons, who has been working his tail off. I can not wait for him to be home for any extended length of time. He does arrive back home tomorrow evening but it is only for a few hours as his fishing Derby starts on Friday! That is okay... He deserves to have some fun after all the work he has done lately!

So now that I have written a novel, I am off... This has taken me two days to write and before anything else happens I need to publish this!

I am sorry for the LONG delay in between entries and will be better now that we are home again!

I hope that you like it!

All our Love,
Katie, Mary and Ryan


Oh Dear...

So we had been a way for a week with very little access to the computer and then came home to have to get Ryan packed and ready to go to California. My Alberta parents also arrived on Friday to meet Mary (we have had a great time visiting!), so needless to say it has been SUPER busy and we have TONNES of photos to add.

I have finally found the cord to dump all the photos on to the computer and have done that so now I just need to organise them all and put them on line! I will try to do that tonight after I get Mary down!

Mary is sitting at my feet at the moment playing with a bunch of toys. She is awfully cute and is getting ready to cheer on the Sens tonight. We are really hoping that the Sens take it in 4 games so that when Ryan returns from his fishing tournament he is home for good. It has been a long couple of months of missing Ryan. Oh well, it is almost done, the 7th game is scheduled for the 11th of June so only 2 more weeks maximum.

I should run and play with the munchkin, but I will fill you all in on our past week with photos and all, tonight!

The ones missing Ryan!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Away one last time...

I am now in Anaheim California. Ducks vs. Sens for the cup. Very cool.

I of course will miss my family.

Have I mentioned that I have the greatest wife in the world who lets me do these trips.

Oh and I have a fishing tournament next weekend too.

There is so much to post at home. Tons of puctures, vids, stories. Kate and I will be doing that soon...


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day!

I first have to wish all our Mom's a Happy Mothers Day and my Dad a Happy Maddy's Day. Thank you all for being so wonderful and amazing. I know now that being a Mom is not as easy as you all made it look! I think that you are incredible!

It is not even noon yet and I have to say that it has been a great day! Ryan surprised me by walking in the door at 8 am, when we were not expecting him to be home until this afternoon. He and Ken Evraire drove through the night after a double overtime game to be home for us! I was also spoiled with clothing and a great card from Mary and a day of pampering from Ryan! Thursday morning will be spent getting a massage, manicure and my hair cut before jumping in the car to drive to Barrie to see Mom and Harry! I have to say that I am extremely lucky to have such a great husband and daughter.

Waking up this morning to see my smiling baby's face this morning was great, especially after a fairly rough yesterday! Mary and I both had a hard day yesterday of missing Ryan and just not being terribly happy. Luckily we had some great activities to help pass the time. We started the afternoon by going to a Baby Shower for Allie, with awesome food and fun games. Allie and her beautiful belly below.... (still no baby for Shannon but Mary has told her baby that he has to make his appearance before Wednesday so that we can meet him before our trip!)

Then we went to Bronwyn's First Birthday Party, that was Monkey themed. Boy, did Jana ever outdo herself with homemade invitations, cookies, cupcakes and a cake all with a Monkey face! Below is a picture of the cookie, invite and cupcake... I missed getting a photo of the cake! Bronwyn sure liked it though!

The party was a lot of fun! Mary had a lot of fun playing with Bronwyn, Jack and all the other kids! Jana, Bronwyn and Mary posed for a photo!

On our way home Mary and I dropped by my cousin Jenny and Scott's place for their First Annual Fundraising Poker Tournament and to watch the Senators play an exciting game! The Poker Tournament was to help Jenny with her pledges for the Weekend to End Breast Cancer. Mary had fun chewing on Jenny's poker chips! Although I pushed it too far and by time I got Mary into the car she was done. Too tired and too upset to sleep and the poor thing screamed all the way home!

Ryan is asleep right now but we are very happy to have him home and for a few days! I am really looking forward to going to Barrie this week and although he may have to travel back to Buffalo, we will be able to have some downtime where we do not have to worry about him having to go to work! AND we will get Mom's cooking!

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Yeah For the Sens and their 5-2 win tonight! We are very happy that they won tonight and hope that they continue their streak although we would like to have Ryan home for more that a few days! He seems to be having an okay time in Buffalo though so we are happy for him!
Mary and I do miss him though...
When he does finally get home and has some time, we have a few videos that should be on here... We have some shots of Mary eating and some of her getting clean afterwards and we also have her first real crawl...
She is now climbing on EVERYTHING! It is really fun to watch her but I am having a hard time protecting her head from the slips and falls that she has been taking... For the most part she is just scaring herself and her mom....
I am looking forward to the fact that this Sunday will be my first official Mothers Day! Last year Ryan spoiled me with a few gifts before he left for his fishing trip but this year we actually have a little one here that I am a Mom to! I still find it a little wierd that I am a Mom, but I am loving every minute of it! Watching Mary grow and change and learn is such an incredible experience. I think that just the fact that I get to wake up and see my Baby is the best Mothers Day gift ever!
Which brings me to this great quote that my Dad sent to me the other day. I think that it explains what having a child is all about....

"Making the decision to have a child -- It's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." Elizabeth Stone (author).

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

New Car...

We have leased a new car! We now get to drive a Toyota Matrix (Corolla station wagon) for the next 4 years. Yayyyy... We went into the dealership and got set up so now we pick it up on Monday when I return from Buffalo. It's really big on the inside but some how smaller on the outside than the Corolla we have now...

Kate left me with Mary last night so that she could go get the papers signed. I was fine until Mary woke up in her crib and started to cry. Uh oh! I crept to the room and slowly opened the door to find my lovely daughter standing holding onto the crib bars with a great sleepy look on her face. I took a couple of steps toward her and when she realized that I was there she got a great big smile on her face, her arms shot up and her hands went wide in the international sign for "PICK ME UP"! It made my heart melt. It was yet another great Mary moment in a long line of Mary moments.

I picked her up and she gave me a big warm hug and then collapsed into my arms and fell asleep again. Wow it's good to be a dad. Mommy came home and we went to sleep ourselves only to be woken up again and again, first Kate then me, all night. I don't get to be home a lot lately so Mommy has to get all the mid night baby raids and I feel bad about it.

That being said I am off to the lovely town of Buffalo NY to watch the Sens/Sabres series for the next 5 days. My wife is a saint and I know it!


Saturday, May 05, 2007

We miss Daddy!

Well Mary is finally asleep in her crib and I am minutes from crawling into my own bed but we have decided that we miss Daddy! Yup he is away in NJ again! Hopefully the Senators will win tonight and he will be able to stay home for awhile before having to travel again.
Yesterday we went to Strollercise and then went for lunch with Los Abuelitos. After the lunch we went to Old Navy so that I could buy some summer clothes and some pink tops for our fundraising in the market this weekend.... Well into the change room I went with about 30 pieces of clothing to try on and I walked out of the store with one, yup that is right, ONE tank top for me and THREE onesies for Mary! Oh well they are cute and I could not resist... I will take some photos for you to see them all!
Today we went for lunch with my Dad, Aunt, Uncle and cousin Jenny. Mary stayed with her grandpa while Jenny and I went o meet Jana in the Byward Market to raise some money for our team for the Weekend To End Breast Cancer. Mary came and met us later and proved what a great little baby she is. She was such a trooper! We are out again tomorrow so hopefully we will make some more money!
Tomorrow night the Daddy gets home, so we are very happy about that! It is way past my bed time so I am off but I will add some photos tomorrow!

Lots of love everyone!
Katie Mary and Ryan

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

WOW! It Works!

So last night, Ryan and I were sitting in an interview hoping to get accepted for a Cooperative Housing unit, and something great happened.
Mary was sitting on Ryan's lap and all of a sudden she started SIGNING! Yup, she signed milk! Yippee.... Needless to say we were very happy but had to contain it a bit as we were in the middle of an interview, but we were able to reinforce it and she was doing it again this morning! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Once she gets a few more signs under her belt we will record them and put them on the blog!
Yesterday we also went for a walk. I thought it was a little warmer than it was but it was WINDY! Thankfully I had a warm blanket! Isn't she cute in her Sunglasses!

On other news she is getting more and more mobile and really liking the cat food tray. Every time I place her on the floor the first place she goes is to the food. The poor cats are feeling a little threatened I think. They now run past her, fearing that she will grab at them when they pass. She is getting better at petting and not grabbing though.

She is also pulling herself up on anything she can reach and crawling under EVERYTHING! When she gets herself up she has the biggest smile on her face and looks around to make sure you are watching. We are very proud of the munchkin!

She is very happy to have her Daddy and Abuelos back in town, although Ryan is headed back to NJ on Friday to cover the 5th game!
Well that is our news for today!
Hope everyone is well,

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