Monday, March 26, 2007

Stars And Strollers!!!

Let me preface this post by stating that I don't now and I didn't then, care about missing the darn movie! It was just nice to go out to the movies with my wife and daughter. That said...

No No NO!!! I will never go to that crazy place ever again as long as our lovely daughter is teething!!! Wow!

You know when I go to see a movie I like to SEE the darn movie. If you are sitting around me and you so much as speak, breathe, cough etc. I will let you know about it. Needless to say this goes for movies at home too! I will turn off the film and let you finish what it is you so desperately need to say and then resume watching when you have completed your little annoying monologue.

I can't stop the movie in the theatre! No-one can!

So while I understand that babies cry and it's OK I can't deal with it in the theatre. I was panicked! When it's non stop and I feel like now it's a disturbance I need to remove my lovely daughter from said theatre and let those around me watch with relative peace (other crying babies considered).

I love my child. I love my wife. My days of Stars and strollers are hereby over until further notice.

What a cacophony!!!

Ryan. :)

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Okay, so Mary turned 6 months on Monday! And as you can see by previous posts, the three of us had a great little Birthday Party.

Thursday Mary had her 6 month appointment, where she was weighed at 16 lbs, 2.5 oz, measured at 26 1/4 inches. So our little one is a growing, she is at the 50-75% for both weight and height. Dr. Keeley confirmed the results of the ultrasound saying everything was fine! We will go back for another ultrasound in a few years but for now everything is great! She also had two immunization shots which she dealt with pretty well.

Thursday afternoon, the three of us went to the movies! This weeks movie was "Premonition". It was Ryan's first time at the Stars and Strollers.... and well lets just say it was an experience for us all.... As soon as the movie started, a relatively quiet theater erupted in tears. Yup a handfull of babies decided to start crying, including Mary... which for someone who has been to this event a few times knows this is normal and okay (this is the whole idea of Stars and Strollers.. a place where you can go and watch movies with your baby and not worry if they start crying). For Ryan this was a bit overwhelming, he kept wanting to take Mary out of the theater so she would not desturb the others.... Poor Mary was in a lot of pain from her teeth! About 20 minutes before the end of the movie Ryan finally took Mary and left the theater.... neither of us really caught much of the movie as we were both thinking of Mary. I managed to catch the end but still need to see it again so that I can catch what happened throughout the middle of it. Ryan says he will try it again but when Mary is finished teething!

Saturday was a special occasion in our house! Mary had her first food! Ryan got to feed her some rice cereal and she loved it! I will let Ryan post about it this evening as we have some video of it!

Sunday we also noticed that part of her left eye tooth is just about the break through! We are hoping that all three break through so that Mary is in less pain.

With all of the wonderful things that are happening... there is one downfall! Mary has learned to roll over, sit on her own, pull herself up, lurch forward from a sitting position and scooch around. These are great milestones that show our little one is growing and prospering! But it also means that she is no longer safe sleeping in her bassinet in our room! So tonight Mary sleeps in her own room in her crib. I think that I am having the harder time in all of this... Mary will be in a comfy, larger bed, but I will no longer have her in the same room as me. It is time.... Hmmph.

Ryan will post tonight with the eating videos!

Happy Birthday to Mary's Abuelo! We love you tons and hope you have a great day!

Love from all of us!
Katie, Ryan and Mary

Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy 6 Month Birthday Mary!!!

Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy 6 Month Birthday Mary,
Happy Birthday To You!!!

A Cake With Candle:

Mary is NOT a happy camper today! Her four, that's right FOUR, top teeth are coming in and she is in terrible pain from what we can gather from her restlessness and crying. OUCH!

That didn't stop Mary from partying it up for her 6 month birthday party. We had cake and Mary got a card from Mommy and Daddy. I think we have an idea for what to get her for a present now. More Tylenol and another teething ring!

Click here for Pictures!

Dear Mary,

Mommy and I hope your first 6 months have been as great for you as they have been for us. We love you.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mary Turns 6 Tomorrow!

Wow! What a fantastic 6 months we've had. We're going to have cake tomorrow- I'm very excited. 2:39 Am September 19th, 2006.

Yesterday was St. Patty's Day. So Mary got dressed up in her outfit that her Irish Granny bought her.

Unfortunately she was sleeping when the photo was taken. Guess next time we'll keep her Black Bush drinking to a minimum.

Oh and here are her lovely (apparently tasty)booties from one of Granny's friends.

Click here to see some more Mary Pics!!!

Here are a couple of recent Mary videos:

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What a Cutie Pie!

HI All,
So it has been 10 DAYS! YIKES....

Isn't she cute! This was her napping on our bed with Abby!

Here are some more of our little one! CLICK HERE

Monday, March 12, 2007

WOW....What a weekend!

So it has definitely been a weekend! And a GREAT one at that!

Friday Morning, Mary and I were up nice and early to got to Starr Gymnastics for our Ball Class, as Ryan was there to go live with the Breakfast Show for their Baby Show.

The segments that we were apart of were to showcast Jules' fitness programs for new parents and their babies (I will have to dedicate an entire entry to Jules as she rocks! and is helping me ALOT). Mary and I partake in Jules' Baby and Me Fitness, her ball classes and will start with her strollercize shortly....

After the taping of that, Mary's Uncle, Aunt and Cousin Tristan took us out for breakfast for my birthday. We went to Cora's and Marcy and I split an apple and cheddar crepe and a raspberry and nutella crepe! Oh, was it ever YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!

After breakfast, Mary, Tristan, Marcy and I flew to our last swim class. It was COLD but lots of fun.

All of this and it was not even noon yet! So after swimming, Mary and I wasted some time before going to pick up her Daddy and get some groceries for dinner, as we were having company for the weekend. Kara and Trev, my childhood friend and her fiance, came to visit us from Hamilton. And meet Mary for the first time.

My parents came to join us for dinner. Ryan made HOMEMADE 3 cheese manicotti and my Moms triple chocolate cake! Dinner was AMAZING! He also spoiled me with a bright pink IPod Shuffle and a chain for the pendant he gave me when Mary was born! Mary broke the original one.

So Saturday morning we woke up and went to the Elgin Street Dinner for breakfast, then went and hung out in the market for a while. We wetn to the TeaShop which was great! After a bit more touring around, we came home to get ready for dinner at the Green Papaya, which is a great Thai place just down the road from us. Mary, Kara, Trev, Ryan and I went to meet up with Shannon, Chris, Allie, Phil and Jola for dinner, and then we all came back here for yummy cake!

Sunday morning, Ryan woke up and went for a LONG 23 K run, and while he was gone, Kara and I got to hang out and play with Mary, while Trev slept. When Ryan got back we made a big breakfast and then lazed about the apartment before going to my parents for yet another incredible meal. There, we had cactus salad, veggies, tamales and best of all, Lucy's FLAN (my favourite)! I also got some more pressies!!!!!!!

This morning Ryan was back to work, and Kara and Trevor had to return to Hamilton. Mary and I, lazed about and then picked up her Daddy! This evening we got to see our cousin Patsy! We went for a very yummy but heavy dinner and then dropped her off at the bus depot!

It has been a great weekend of introducing Mary to more special and important people in our lives. They were all amazed by how wonderful and amazing she is. Although I am sure this comes as no surprise!

I hope that you are all doing well! We love you all tons and will try to get better with letting you all know what we are doing!

Lots of love,

P.S. I forgot to also mention that earlier in the week, (March 6th) a whack of my family got together to celebrate both my Tio's and my birthdays! Lucky for him, Marcy and Will only told the server it was my birthday....Hmmph.....

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Mary Goes For Ultrasound...

Mary, Kate and I just returned from the Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario where Mary had her first ultrasound to check her kidneys for Polycystic Kidney Disease. The good news is they didn't find and cysts on her little kidneys. The bad news is we're not out of the woods yet. It looks good but as she grows I'm sure they will do more testing. YYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

I have PKD so Mary has/had a 50% chance of getting it. It is not a problem for me yet but it has been a problem for some people in my family. If Mary doesn't have PKD the disease ends with her and can't be transfered onto her future kids (if she ever has any)(if I ever let her talk to boys ever). If Mary does however, then there is a 50% chance that her kids will contract it.

Mary has a Dr.'s apt. on the 22nd so we'll know more then.

More later.

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